Archive 2022

“National Career Days” 2022

Thousands of interviews were made on the 21st National Career Days. Live in five major academic cities - Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Gabrovo, Ruse and online with a virtual day for the whole country. "National Career Days 2022" were held between March 29 and April 14.
"National Career Days 2022" brought together representatives of 111 Bulgarian and international companies and make professional contacts with more then 5,600 candidates for jobs and internships.


29 March 2022
Sofia - Nacional Palace of Culture, fl. 5
2300 visitors 50 participating employers
31 March 2022
Online - at
537 online interviews 34 participating employers
5 April 2022
Plovdiv - Plovdiv International Fair, Congress Center
1100 visitors 33 participating employers
7 April 2022
Varna - Rosslyn Dimyat Hotel
1000 visitors 28 participating employers
12 april 2022
Gabrovo - Technical University
600 visitors 27 participating employers
14 april 2022
Ruse - University of Ruse “Angel Kunchev”
350 visitors 22 participating employers

Participating Employers

Grand Hotel Plovdiv

Pontica Solutions

Хамбергер България ЕООД